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Fly safe is the new normal

Fly safe is the new normal

10 Dec 2020

Delhi Airport has been one of the model airports to facilitate International Arriving passengers with a seamless and contactless process in collaboration with Ministry of Civil Aviation for all passengers coming to India.

Safe Travel Barometer has certified Delhi Airport as the second safest airport globally for effective implementation of COVID-19 related health and safety protocols, a testament to the continued efforts of Delhi Airport as the most preferred and safest airport in India. The calibrated operations have set a benchmark for terminal operation protocols to control the spread of coronavirus. There are arrangements made including thermal scanning of passengers entering the airport and a facility to isolate suspected COVID-19 passengers. Self-Reporting and Exemption Forms may be filled in advance online for a hassle-free experience. Staff at Delhi Airport are fully trained and aware to support you in this new normal travel experience. 

Now, all passengers arriving can seek exemption from institutional quarantine by submitting a negative RT-PCR test report. This test should have been conducted within 72 hrs of undertaking the journey and uploaded on the Airsuvidha portal

Delhi Airport has also setup India’s first airport COVID-19 testing facility  for arriving International passengers arriving without an RT-PCR negative certificate and wishing to seek exemption from all kind of quarantine.

The facility is operational 24x7 and the passengers can book the slot online. The test results are available within 3- 4 hours of sample collection

Delhi airport has been continuing its awareness drive to educate and encourage its passengers while maintaining a safe environment at the airport. These include deployment of queue managers, floor markings, allocations of alternate seats, encouraging passengers to always wear a mask and announcing suitable COVID-19 precautionary measures at regular intervals.

Delhi Airport is committed to continued efforts towards making passenger journey more convenient and hassle free. We wish all passengers a happy and safe journey! 

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